Tuesday, April 9, 2013

February 16 Imagine there's a motive . .

There has been, as they say in the classic detective movies, a break in the case.
The police have released the information that Margaret had let the killer into her house.  So she had to have known him or her.  I can’t imagine her opening the door for someone she didn’t know.  I can’t imagine anyone going to Margaret’s house without being invited or at least calling first.
I can imagine what her house was like.  Victorian and very neat.  She could put something down somewhere and have it be there when she wanted it.  I can’t imagine what that’s like.
The news came as a relief to everyone.  Margaret had done something.  But no one at the library could imagine what.  Margaret didn’t seem to have any personal life.  She was like a character in one of those depressing “realistic” spy movies.  But then, like a spy, she had a hidden life.  Could she have been a spy?  Was she having an affair?  Was she blackmailing someone? 
Karen thinks she was having an affair.

My friend Nicole thinks there’s money behind it. 
I don’t know.  I guess everyone who knew her is a suspect, so that includes me.

Since I didn’t do it, that’s kind of exciting.

Ed thinks that’s crazy, but as I told him, craziness is part of my charm.

He grunted.

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