Naturally Emily wanted to know what I thought of Alice. I said I liked her and I hoped she would come to Girls’ Night.
“No, I mean as a prospect.”
Emily has been getting more attention now that the Lesbian community knows that she is interested in more than hanging out and getting away from men. But it’s not going too well. Everyone is either in a relationship, getting over a devastating breakup, or “going through a period where she needs to be free.” But everyone wanted to be her friend and some offered benefits. Emily couldn’t handle that and berated herself for being bourgeois, neurotic, and possessive. I told her that the Brontes couldn’t have handled being a friend with benefits either.
So Alice is looking pretty promising. Unless she is straight.
“Can’t you ask her?”
“It’s kind of tacky.”
At least when you date men you know where you stand. The only uncertainty is when he is going to pounce.
Karen and Nikki were all excited about meeting Alice. They even got copies of her books out of the library. Karen said she was “a hoot.” Nikki said she wrote like a “real wiseass in a twin set.” She meant that as a compliment.
We tried to figure out if she was gay from her writing, but we couldn’t. Anyway, that is bad criticism. You’re not supposed to assume that a person’s work reflects their life.

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