Monday, March 16, 2015

Memories Monday -- I can't make soda bread, but then I'm English.

Josh discovered the old custom of pinching people who don’t wear green on St. Patrick’s Day.  Fortunately he didn’t get caught at school.  I could imagine his getting suspended and my having to decide whether Ed and I would go on the evening news as outraged parents whose child was being unfairly punished.  As they say in England, they’ll suspend your kid before you can say knife.  (I don’t know what this means, exactly, but they say it a lot in my English mystery books.)
Josh and Cilla both got me, but Ed had worn a green tie to work, so he was safe.  I told them that if they did it again, they would be severely punished (before they could say knife) and that I would tell their Dad.  I don’t like to be too specific, since I never know how much discipline I’ll be up to enforcing.

We had spinach lasagna, salad, peas, and orange soda (in honor of Northern Ireland) for dinner, with mint chocolate chip ice cream for dessert, along with Irish potato candies (butter, confectioner's sugar, and coconut rolled in little balls like potatoes and then rolled in cinnamon). 

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