Thanksgiving and Christmas “Didn't
suck too bad,” as Josh said. Maybe that's what the Cratchit kids said. I told them it was all right to complain as long as you were thankful for what you had and asked God to forgive you.
There was still turkey, pumpkin pie,
cookies, snapping crackers and presents. I missed live church, but was grateful for
Zoom. Cilla was put out because this year she would have been
allowed to go to the midnight service. I told her they'd be doing it
on Zoom, but she just sighed and said, “It's not the same.” I
think she expected a churchlady argument, because she looked
surprised when I just said, “I know.”
Of course there wasn't
anything going on at school and I missed the office silliness of
Secret Santa and going out to lunch. I told myself it would all be
back next year. I wondered what joy we got out of trying to guess
who everyone's Secret Santa was and fussing about which restaurant to
go to, anyway. But we do anyway.
We had Janet and Kate over for both
days and had as good a time as possible while wearing masks and not
being able to sing carols. Karen and Nikki and I talked on the phone
a lot and told each other how grateful we were for everything after
complaining for fifteen minutes.