Karen was delighted that she had been right. Nikki wondered if Margaret had had the drop
ceiling put in especially to hide the letters.
I agreed that she was organized and tidy enough to do that. If only she’d been a little bit tidier with
her life.
They told me not to be such a churchlady.“At least she had something, even if it ended badly.”
“There’s a difference between your boyfriend breaking up with you with a note on the fridge and stabbing you to death."
Karen and Nikki conceded that I had a point. But as Carrie Bradshaw used to say, I couldn’t help but wonder if it had been worth it. Margaret had loved tales of passion and hopeless love like Wuthering Heights. Maybe it had been what she wanted until the last minute. And I wondered (sorry, Carrie, but “can’t help but” makes my teeth hurt.) if, looking at my messy but conventional life, Margaret had felt sorry for me.